This unique clock is based on a cypher wheel design. The independent arrows allow you to “mark” two points of time. The Target Time arrow marks the end time for bedtime, screen time or free time. If your child’s bedtime is 8pm, then the Target Time arrow is set at 12. If screen time is typically from 4pm to 4:45pm, the the Target Time arrow is set at the 9.

The Tracker arrow (center ring) is then set to match the Target Time. Desired behavior is rewarded with “MORE” time. Less desired behavior receives “LESS” time. An extra 5 minutes to play screens or stay up later can be a high value motivator. Losing time can also be a strong, passive way to teach your child.

The beautiful magic in this design is that unlike a timeout, your child always has the opportunity to earn back their time. If they lose 10 minutes … they have the opportunity to change course, and get it back.

Available in six different hand combinations. Personalize it with your child’s name to make it their time.